
  1. Accept rules
  2. Your details
  3. Confirm e-mail
  4. Our review

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the ohay.ooo moderators.

  1. Do not harass women, minorities, or LGBTQIA+. Do not harass people based on their occupation, age, physical appearance/weight, or English ability. Such behavior will result in a NO-QUESTIONS IMMEDIATE BAN. If you wouldn't say it out loud irl, don't say it here.
  2. No Japan-bashing. Feel free to voice your frustrations with life in Japan, but you may not engage in speech designed solely to stoke hatred or contempt for Japan (some of our members are Japanese).
  3. Baseless Personal Attacks: This a place created with kind, healthy communication in mind. Please, no baseless personal attacks, insults, or hate speech.
  4. No NSFW content: Please, no NSFW content. (This does not include content with medical/scientific value.) If in doubt, ask a mod.
  5. AI art unwelcome. Please don't post or share.